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John F. Ross: War on the Run: The Epic Story of Robert Rogers and the Conquest of America's First Frontier

Robert Rogers is often called the father of the U.S. Army’s Ranger School.

With his expertise as an outdoorsman, Rogers developed a new mode of warfare that united the vast, forested expanses of the American landscape with the technology and strategic vision of the colonists. War on the Run chronicles Rogers’ wild life and times, encompassing both courage under fire and an indictment for counterfeiting.

During the French-Indian War, colonial leaders like Lt. Col. George Washington were glad to have him on their side. However, the Continental Army – and Nathan Hale in particular – would dearly regret having Rogers on the other side of the Revolution.

John F. Ross is executive editor of American Heritage magazine and a former member of the Board of Editors at Smithsonian magazine. On assignment, he has dog-sledded with the Polar Inuit in northwestern Greenland, technical mountain-climbed in Siberia, and dived 3,000 feet in the Galápagos. He is also the author of Living Dangerously: Navigating the Risks of Everyday Life.